"Knowledge about traditional harvesting and processing of native plants dwindled as imported products replaces old ones. Today, though, there is new interest in the ways native plants can provide us with food, fibre, building materials and medicines. These stories of native plants of the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand describe the characteristics of the plants and the ways that Måaori and European settlers grew and processed them, and they uncover some surprising uses of common native plants"--Back cover.
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Want this book? We can order it in for you by filling out this form below. Special orders typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive if the book is still being published.
"Knowledge about traditional harvesting and processing of native plants dwindled as imported products replaces old ones. Today, though, there is new interest in the ways native plants can provide us with food, fibre, building materials and medicines. These stories of native plants of the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand describe the characteristics of the plants and the ways that Måaori and European settlers grew and processed them, and they uncover some surprising uses of common native plants"--Back cover.
Pages - 250
Binding - Paperback
Publisher - HUIA Publishers
Publication Date - 2018-06-30
ISBN - 9781775502951
Weight - 748 grams