The End of Alice

A.M. Homes


AM Homes' most infamous novel about the manifestations of forbidden desire and its terrible consequences, reissued for Granta Editions.

'With all the cunning and control of a brilliant lover, she takes us places we dare not go alone'
- the Los Angeles Times

The End of Alice treads the wafer-thin line between the evil and the everyday, following the correspondence of two paedophiles. One, the narrator, is a child-killer, serving his twenty-third year in prison. The other, his seemingly sweet admirer, is a nineteen-year-old woman, intent on seducing a young neighbourhood boy.

Teetering on the knife's edge between the American Dream and the American Nightmare, The End of Alice unpicks the darkness of inconceivable desire, and the destruction and horror left in its wake.

'If the first major literary marker of the American dream of aspiration, potential and never-ending youth was F. Scott Fitzgerald's lyrical piece of doomed yearning, The Great Gatsby, its postmodern flipside [is] Homes's The End of Alice, whose paired literary voices made a grotesque harmony of two yearners after the dream of youth'
- Ali Smith, author of How To Be Both

The End of Alice cover image


AM Homes' most infamous novel about the manifestations of forbidden desire and its terrible consequences, reissued for Granta Editions.

'With all the cunning and control of a brilliant lover, she takes us places we dare not go alone'
- the Los Angeles Times

The End of Alice treads the wafer-thin line between the evil and the everyday, following the correspondence of two paedophiles. One, the narrator, is a child-killer, serving his twenty-third year in prison. The other, his seemingly sweet admirer, is a nineteen-year-old woman, intent on seducing a young neighbourhood boy.

Teetering on the knife's edge between the American Dream and the American Nightmare, The End of Alice unpicks the darkness of inconceivable desire, and the destruction and horror left in its wake.

'If the first major literary marker of the American dream of aspiration, potential and never-ending youth was F. Scott Fitzgerald's lyrical piece of doomed yearning, The Great Gatsby, its postmodern flipside [is] Homes's The End of Alice, whose paired literary voices made a grotesque harmony of two yearners after the dream of youth'
- Ali Smith, author of How To Be Both

Product Information

Pages -

Binding -

Publisher - Granta Publications Ltd

Publication Date - 2021-04-01

ISBN - 9781783787166

Weight - 261 grams

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