Mind and Body

The School of Life , Alain de Botton


A practical and playful guide to balancing and maintaining physical and mental harmony.

The modern world can present the body as a machine that just needs to be regularly exercised. However, it is a remarkably sensitive organ in which a lot of our pain and hope is stored and that we need to interpret and handle with subtlety. This impact of our body upon our mind is something which needs to be explored as it is easy to pay attention to one more than the other and to ignore the crucial balance between the two.

This is a book filled with reflections and exercises designed to help us live more harmoniously and maturely within both mind and body. It gives guidance on how to calm our minds with bodily exercises that work on the real sources of our anxieties. It suggests how to be less rigid in, and timid about, our bodies and how to relax into them in a way we might not have done for far too long. It offers ideas on how to accept the way we look, and how to treat the body in order for it to assist the mind in yielding its very best ideas. The impacts of activities such as singing, dancing and art are explored along with the liberation of spirit that these might offer.

This is a book, both theoretical and practical, that will improve our relationship between our physical and mental selves and allow us a route to a life of greater self-assurance, wisdom, and freedom to be ourselves.

*Contains explicit/adult content

* BLENDING THE PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL with playful exercises backed by research.
* A RANGE OF EXERCISES you can do anytime, anywhere.
* DISCOVER THE POWER OF THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION and tap into your body’s innate wisdom.
* CULTIVATE CALM by connecting to your body and surroundings.
* BODY NEUTRALITY learn to accept and feel comfortable with how you look.

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A practical and playful guide to balancing and maintaining physical and mental harmony.

The modern world can present the body as a machine that just needs to be regularly exercised. However, it is a remarkably sensitive organ in which a lot of our pain and hope is stored and that we need to interpret and handle with subtlety. This impact of our body upon our mind is something which needs to be explored as it is easy to pay attention to one more than the other and to ignore the crucial balance between the two.

This is a book filled with reflections and exercises designed to help us live more harmoniously and maturely within both mind and body. It gives guidance on how to calm our minds with bodily exercises that work on the real sources of our anxieties. It suggests how to be less rigid in, and timid about, our bodies and how to relax into them in a way we might not have done for far too long. It offers ideas on how to accept the way we look, and how to treat the body in order for it to assist the mind in yielding its very best ideas. The impacts of activities such as singing, dancing and art are explored along with the liberation of spirit that these might offer.

This is a book, both theoretical and practical, that will improve our relationship between our physical and mental selves and allow us a route to a life of greater self-assurance, wisdom, and freedom to be ourselves.

*Contains explicit/adult content

* BLENDING THE PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL with playful exercises backed by research.
* A RANGE OF EXERCISES you can do anytime, anywhere.
* DISCOVER THE POWER OF THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION and tap into your body’s innate wisdom.
* CULTIVATE CALM by connecting to your body and surroundings.
* BODY NEUTRALITY learn to accept and feel comfortable with how you look.

Product Information

Pages - 200

Binding - Hardcover

Publisher - The School of Life

Publication Date - 2021-11-02

ISBN - 9781912891467

Weight - 1048 grams

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