How to Mend a Kea + Other Great Fix-It Tales from

Janet Hunt


The little kaka that lost its way; the kereru with the broken wing; the tuatara that went floppy; the whio that couldn’t fly, the kea with the broken foot . . . All these stories and more from Wildbase, the remarkable New Zealand native animal veterinary hospital, told by expert natural history writer Janet Hunt. This is the perfect book for everyone who cares about our wild creatures and wants to know more about how they are helped when they are ill or injured. Children, parents and teachers will be entranced and inspired by the stories of how skilled vets can cure our endangered species.

How to Mend a Kea + Other Great Fix-It Tales from cover image


The little kaka that lost its way; the kereru with the broken wing; the tuatara that went floppy; the whio that couldn’t fly, the kea with the broken foot . . . All these stories and more from Wildbase, the remarkable New Zealand native animal veterinary hospital, told by expert natural history writer Janet Hunt. This is the perfect book for everyone who cares about our wild creatures and wants to know more about how they are helped when they are ill or injured. Children, parents and teachers will be entranced and inspired by the stories of how skilled vets can cure our endangered species.

Product Information

Pages - 64

Binding - Paperback

Publisher - Massey University Press

Publication Date - 2017-10-01

ISBN - 9780994140715

Weight - 323 grams

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